Holy buckets.
My baby girl is halfway to her first birthday. She's kind of a big deal. To update those of our family who don't follow me on Facebook - or don't get to see Daniel's amazingly entertaining stay-at-home-dad posts - here's what Faith has been up to this month.
She has outgrown her activity gym |
She knows how to roll the ball back and forth
She is able to rest on her knees and just hang out |
We're working on holding a bottle for ourselves |
She's stinking cute! |
How cute is this baby? Very. |
She's learning how to stack the rings (she's a rock-star at UN-stacking) |
Regular pillow talks with Daddy |
Regular giggle-fits from Daddy |
Visiting Grandma at her work - wearing matching outfits! |
This is how Daddy dresses her - dress on backwards & bloomers from a different dress |
Her big girl car seat! |
Exploring every nook and cranny she can find |
What's missing:
A video of her crawling (At 5.5 months)
Her signing MILK as I mix her bottles - I DID IT! I TAUGHT MY BABY SIGN!! *happy dance*
Giving kisses with her open mouth
How perfectly she puts herself to sleep now - without a peep!
Her pulling herself to standing along furniture and then WALKING on her own alongside it
And so much more. I know this is a bragging blog-post but I'm so momma-proud!
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