Eventually, I just put her back to bed and she just screamed and screamed. Normally, with our sleep training, she'll cry 5-15 minutes before she sleeps but Friday, if she eventually fell asleep she'd just stay down for an hour. Then the process would start all over.
We tried to find our Liquid Tylenol but we have no idea where that might be. We thought she might be teething so I started rubbing on her gums and it did soothe her for a little bit. However, there weren't any bumps along the gums indicating a new bud coming up.
Friday also happened to be her 4-month wells checkup with her pediatrician and so we had to take our screaming infant to get poked, prodded and vaccinated. We weren't looking forward to it, to say the least.
At the appointment, Kelly, our PNP, went over her vitals and weighed and measured her. I'm happy to report that while she was completely miserable, she weighs 16 lbs 11 oz and is 25" long. After that, Kelly didn't feel comfortable vaccinating her because she was running a small fever of 100.3* and wouldn't know if she was having adverse affects to a vaccine or not. She gave us a couple of bottles of Triaminic and a syringe to get us through until we find our own bottle (it's still missing) and gave Faith a dose of the medicine.
Let's talk about that process. She measured out a 1/2 teaspoon and slowly squirted it into her mouth, which Faith promptly would push back out but Kelly just patiently put it back in with her fingers. It made a small mess, but nothing too serious that wasn't absorbed by the paper towel. That dose helped her within fifteen minutes and she was asleep in the car. Four hours later, when she needed a new dose was when the fun began for Mom and Dad!
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How NOT to give an infant Tylenol |
I mean, seriously, WHY is it dyed red? I'm pretty sure no mom was in the board room when this was decided.
Not only did we mess up on the first round but I did the same thing the second time around, too. Then I gave the reigns over to Daniel to try. Or rather, Daniel said, "How hard can it be to slowly push the syringe?"
And there goes another dose all over our poor baby girl. I can't help but think she enjoyed it somewhat because she wasn't crying the entire time. Or maybe she was just distracted enough. If I only knew what was going on in her mind.
We needed a new plan of attack for this situation of ours.
I remembered a pacifier that my Aunt Carla had gotten Faith and it had a hole in the tip with a measuring cup on the other side so that you could easily give babies their medicine. WHY didn't we think of this earlier?!
So we measured out another dose, gave it to Faith and she took it like a champ. She slept for a few hours, then woke up to eat a small bottle and continued to wake up throughout the night for bottles. She never really finished a bottle.
Anyway, she felt better by morning and was smiling and playing. She still hasn't completely regained her appetite but I'm hopeful she will gradually.
I guess the lingering issue is that Faith has somewhat lost some of her sleep training that she's been so good at for at least a month. I think she'll get back into it but she also didn't nurse all day while she was sick and now I have no milk supply. Not that she's even interested today. When I put her down to nap, she just cried when I tried to nurse her. Hopefully that will get better gradually, too. It's too early for her to wean.
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