1. He cleans everything better than I do. I mean everything. He's always the one who cleans up the kitchen at the end of the day, he'll pick up blankets and pillows around the living room if he's bored, etc. There are a couple of things that DH won't do but for the most part - he's super spectacular.
2. He can feed a baby while surfing the Internet. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes this bugs the bejeezus out of me because I feel like he can always just carry on a conversation with me but the other part of me is impressed that he can hold down both arms of our 4-month-old, give her a bottle that she is too distracted to take, and surf gaming websites. Sometimes the bottle doesn't get finished - which bothers me a little -but for the most part, Daniel does a great job of feeding our obstinate child and enjoys himself while doing so.
3. He sleeps through everything. This will probably end up in the blog post that I'll entitle, "6 Reasons Why He's Not a Super-Daddy," if I write one, as well. However, for now, we'll keep it more of a 'I'm jealous of how super you are.' Anyway, Faith sleeps in the Pack 'N Play in our bedroom and she grunts while she's asleep - especially the last hour before she wakes up. I'm awake by the first grunt and waiting for her to cry for a bottle but she doesn't, for at least an hour. I can wait for her to squeal in hunger, feed her six ounces, nurse her, and put her back in her bed while she plays with her stuffed animals (and I mean she talks to them, loudly). This is about an hour or so long process and it all happens within five feet of him, and he hears nothing.
4. He changes her poopy diapers. Granted, he kind of freaks out over stinky ones (so all of them?) but he will still clean her. After using 15 wipes per diaper, I think he feels a sense of pride because he often yells at me from across the apartment to come see the mess he gets to clean up. This is also the same man who has had multiple picture-wars with people about how 'neat' his poops are.
5. He helped me recover. Since Faith has been born, I've dealt with some not-so-pretty side effects of pushing for an hour with no progression. Daniel has helped me in ways that are too much to mention here but it makes him a super daddy.
I love my husband.
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